Thursday, March 13, 2025

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Double Column Template Width Fix

Several people have emailed me wanting to know if the width of the new Double Column BANS template could be fixed to show no scroll bars.

Open the styles.css file in your BANS admin and look for all instances of 994 and change the number to 953.

in addition you will need to search for both instances of the code below:

width: 550px;

and change to

width: 520px;

Lastly find the code below:

height: 110px;
width: 45%;

and change to

height: 130px;
width: 44%;

You will also need to resize the logo.jpg file to 953x147 pixels.

Let me know if this does not solve your problem.

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The Elderly Geek on October 19, 2008 at 6:55 PM said...

Dave.. As you know, I purchased the double bans on root package. I have a request to make. I would like to see larger thumbnails than what you see now. When you click on them now, it opens another window with the same. I am trying to decide what color I want to use now without going through changing the styles.css.

soggy on October 19, 2008 at 7:18 PM said...

Can you send me an email on this and better describe what you are needing. I think you are losing me and I am under the weather today.



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