Thursday, March 13, 2025

Friday, September 12, 2008

eBay Partner Network Agreement & Terms & Conditions Changes

Today EPN released a new agreement & terms & conditions changes. Below is a copy of the mail that was sent out.

Dear Affiliate,

As you may already know, our newest release of the eBay Partner Network went live on September 10th. This new release incorporates additional reporting functionality to more easily track your traffic's performance on eBay, as well as a new Campaign Quality Report that will help you determine the quality of new registered users you send to the US program. As of November 1st, ACRUs payouts for all publishers in the US program will calculated using these quality tiers. For a full description of all the new features in this release, please check out our blog post about it from last Friday.

Please also note that the Network Agreement and Advertiser Terms and Conditions have been updated with this release. Please review these documents thoroughly to make sure you fully understand the updated policies. Some updates you may want to pay special attention to include:

- The eBay UK and eBay FR programs now allow eBay sellers to become affiliates (in their programs.)
- Any transaction resulting from traffic that has been redirected off of an Advertiser site (e.g. will be disqualified, and you will not receive commissions.
- Paid Search: Bidding on KW eBay or any variations is not permitted in any program.
- If you choose PayPal as a payment method, your PayPal account must be verified in order for your payment to be released. To learn more about how to verify your account, go to

The updated Network Agreement and Advertiser Terms and Conditions will go into effect for existing publishers on September 19th. If you choose not to accept any terms set forth by the new policies, you may end our affiliate agreement before September 19th by closing your account under the Account: Business Information section of the eBay Partner Network interface. Please ensure before you close your account that a payment method has been entered and is correct as you will not be able to edit this information after you have closed your account. If you have any questions regarding the new policies, please contact customer service.


The eBay Partner Network Team

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Protien Powder Guy on September 12, 2008 at 3:23 PM said...

What does this mean:

"Any transaction resulting from traffic that has been redirected off of an Advertiser site (e.g. will be disqualified, and you will not receive commissions."


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