Friday, January 30, 2009

When You Learn To Juggle, You Start With One Ball

I have started to learn how juggle now in my spare time (which aint much) as I need to force myself away from the computer a little more. I gre up playing sports and guitar, so you think it would be easy for me. WRONG! When you start learning how to juggle, you just do not pick up 3 balls and go. You need to start with the basics and just one ball. After you master that, you move on to two balls, then three etc. etc. The same goes for building niche sites, you need to start with one and master it.

In the early days of BANS, most of us would rush off and keyword hunt and build two, three, four stores a week. admittedly most of these were very thin and not much attention was paid to link building or promotion. I have close to 200 stores in my inventory and only about 40 or honestly were they need to be. A few others rank and pull in some income, but nothing like the 40 big dogs I dominate the SERPS with. Not all of those 40 were done right initially as well.

So where am I going with this? It will be far better for you to learn to complete ONE site and get it ranking and earning before moving on to the next one. Sure it is boring working on the same site for 30 straight days, but if done right, it will produce like a big dog. On top of that, you will learn the process, which will make it a ton easier on future stores. If you can not rank one store and get it earning, how do you figure you can make future sites rank and earn? It is much easier to concentrate ALL of your efforts in one place, then to spread out between multiple sites. I know I have more time than most of you being as I do this full time and I know how thin I am spread, so I can only imagine how thin most of you are with multiple sites and only dedicating a few hours a day.

So where do you start? start with the site that you know most about and the most passionate about. If it means rebuilding it, so be it. Get it ranking and earning properly and move on. Do not try to learn to juggle four balls when you have trouble juggling just one.

Now if you please excuse me, I am off to practice juggling my one ball technique!!!

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Anonymous said...

Hi - great blog!
My name's Warren and I've been dabbling around with internet marketing for some while now with very little success to tell the truth. I have learnt over time that trying to make a quick buck just doesn't work and it's all about long-term consistent results.
This is what has drawn me to BANS as it really looks like a good, solid business model.
As a newbie basically I'm asking for a bit of advice really. I've been looking into purchasing the BANSv3 platform and taking it from there. What advice could you offer me as a newbie to BANS on how to get started? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks

soggy on March 12, 2009 at 10:20 AM said...


You will need content, SEO and backlinks to succeed. It is not get rich quick. Take your time and learn the correct way.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dave

Yes I definitely want to learn the correct way that's for sure. Is the BANSv3 software a good starting point to build my first store on?


soggy on March 12, 2009 at 1:01 PM said...

Warren, If you are fairly new to online marketing and SEO, I think BANS is an excellent platform to learn on. It is very newbie friendly and takes a ton of the technical stuff out of the way.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Dave - I'll let you know how I'm going!



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