Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saturday Around The Web October 3rd

Happy Saturday everyone. I hope you had as good of week as I have had. My list is small this week as far as links go, but full of other links to keep you busy. Most of what I worked on this week was Wordpress related, thus quite a few links are related to Wordpress. Here you go.

I could just posted this one link and it would of kept you busy. Here are 69 Tools to Improve Your Website.

Wordpress security is a must and here is a great blog post on how to keep Wordpress secure.

I am always looking at great Wordpress plugins. This is the newest WordPress Plugin Releases for 10/02.

Lorelle VanFossen of Lorelle on WordPress discusses challenges and opportunities in the tag and category structure of WordPress blogs and shares some tips for keeping yours organized and effective in this video from Wordcamp Portland 2009.

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