Monday, March 31, 2025

Friday, October 2, 2009

Widget Context Wordpress Plugin

I am setting up some testing on a few sites in which I will be using this Widget Context Wordpress Plugin to show Ebay listings in the sidebar for each different product page. Each page will have it's own tailored product listings depending on what product is being pushed on each page. I have not set it up yet, but I do believe it will fit my needs. Regardless, the plugin has a number of uses that I will explore as well. The whole idea is to put more focus on selling higher profit items via a few other affiliate programs in the main page portion, without pushing the auctions down past the fold and losing visibility. If anyone has used this plugin, please comment below. Or you might have seen a better plugin to do the same thing. I will report back on this soon.

Here is some more on what this plugin can do.

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LiT Web Studio on October 3, 2009 at 6:05 AM said...

am wondering about the new beta custom banner widget that is on offer in tools at epn -

soggy on October 3, 2009 at 7:23 AM said...

Debs, yes, that is what I am playing with. A custom 160x1000 banner.

phil said...

Hi Soggy,

Sorry, I don't understand what this plugin does even after visiting the link. I though PHPBay generated the EBay products on each page? What is the functionality of this plug-in?

By the way it always surprises me when I see your RSS count - I would think it should be much higher with the quality and frequency of your posts.

soggy on October 3, 2009 at 4:40 PM said...


The main use of the plugin I am looking for is the ability to show specific ads on specific pages sidebar widget. Throw eBay out of the discussion for a minute with that use.

Putting EPN back in the equation, I am wanting to play with the EPN widgets in this test. Yes, I use PHPBay a ton and love it, but I also am always looking at different set ups as well. Remember that this is a test, nothing more at this point. Trying a little different focal point of design and usability without sacrificing income.

As far as the RSS goes, not all are showing up in feedburner. I have several email subscribers as well.


Phil said...

thanks, i will investigate the plugin because the only way i know to do what you are talking about is have different style sheets, which is a pain

Sam on October 6, 2009 at 2:57 PM said...

Hi Dave

For the life of me I can't work this plug in out. There is no settings page so how do you use the damn thing???


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