Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Are you Ready For WordPress 3.2 Using PHP5?

When WordPress 3.2 comes out it will be dependent on your host running PHP 5.2 in order to install or upgrade to WordPress 3.2. Now is the time to make sure you know for sure if your host is with the times or not. I came across this PHP 5 testing tool that is designed to help you find out whether or not a certain site is ready for WordPress 3.2. The tool simply looks at the information returned by your server. If the server you test doesn't identify the PHP version being run on it, instructions for an alternate method will be provided. This tool is more of a point and click type tool and if you have any real concerns, you should contact your host to ask them the hard questions. If the server is not ready for the new version of Wordpress, you should consider switching host as by now, most should be able to accommodate this. HostGator is currently running either PHP version 5.2.13 or 5.2.14 and is fine for lower volume sites that are not auto blogging.

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