Monday, March 31, 2025

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cpanel Operations Wordpress Plugin

I came across the Cpanel Operations Wordpress plugin today and tested on a site with no problems. The plugin is billed as a quick solution to creating an email account and/or ftp account on their cpanel from within their WordPress site. You can see the screen shots here. Now this is not a plugin you of course will need on every site, but I have had a few in the past that I needed to have multiple email addresses for and this makes it easy to do. Also having the ability to create a FTP account on the fly might come in handy some day, especially if you needed help from someone and wanted to quickly get them access to the server. This too is not an everyday need, but you can tuck this away or bookmark it should the need ever arise. I would be tempted to disable it when not in need though.

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