Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Old fashion link trading

Believe it or not, good old fashion link trading is back in vogue. The little green Google page rank bar does not mean much to webmasters as it once did. Google wants relative back links preferable from like sites in your niche. I have been preaching this for years.

1. You should research your niche and key phrase and build a list of like sites you think might be relative to link to as well as good candidates to link back. Also try to find a contact email for each site owner. I suggest a good 10 sites to start with. It should take you all of 45 minutes to research this.

2. You should have a resources page set up on your BANS store. Add the links with good anchor text of the site name you are linking to.

3. Compose a fairly generic email that you will be sending to each webmaster. I keep these real simply, like...

I really enjoy your site. You should be commended on your dedication to your niche. If at all possible I would like trade links with you. I have added your
site on my resources page at:

If at all possible would you mind adding me to your links page?


Your name here

You can word it however fits your style.

4. Send this to the 10 site owners and you might be surprised what you hear back. Give them 2 weeks to respond and add your link. If after 2 weeks you do not get response, simply remove the bad trades from your page and tackle a few more. It works and you will pick up some great back links in the process.

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