Saturday, March 29, 2025

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Rae Hoffman On Identifying Industry Leaders On Twitter

A comment and an email came to me wanting to me to devote more time on Twitter per my post the other day. It just so happens that the great Rae Hoffman posted on Search Engine Land a post about, How To Identify Industry Specific & Mainstream Media On Twitter. Rae goes over some great resources to find some leaders in certain industries and how to engage them once you do find them. Going right for the jugular is not the way, as I too have asked too early. Remember that you are networking and often times you have to give first before receiving. Some of these backlinks are very powerful and well worth the time invested in only acquiring just a few. Remember that with these links it is quality over quantity. Just a few of these can catapult a properly SEO'ed and properly researched site in the rankings. Don't forget to ask to guest blog and write content for them as well for the link. Trust me, it works. It just takes some time and patience.

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Jane said...

yeah we get that part Dave, but how do YOU use twitter to promote YOUR niches?

soggy on September 2, 2010 at 1:03 PM said...

@Jane Covered this many times with RSS feeding post and news into Twitter and also networking with other sites in the industry and plain old users interested in that niche. It also should not be limited to JUST Twitter, but Facebook as well. The more you can syndicate off the bat, the better with merely your RSS feed or even others. These are not earth shattering techniques, but you would be surprised at how many do not use them. Twitter is a tool, for both syndicating and networking. Not too sure how to make it ANY clearer than that.



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