Thursday, March 13, 2025

Friday, September 5, 2008

More Tips On Engagement From EPN

EPN has a blog post up on Tips for Sending Engaged Buyer Traffic to eBay Sites. In the post the describe a little bit better what they mean by engagement of surfers they also suggest that a user is far more likely to be engaged if they knew prior to the click that they were going to be driven to eBay. They suggest maximizing the amount of unique content on your site and integrating eBay links within your content.

In the last paragraph they state they will screening new affiliates even tougher, so if you are new, make sure the Build A Niche Store site you submit in the application process is up to all standards.

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Anonymous said...

Dave, so if it helps engagement to let them know its Ebay, should we just take that its furthest limit and brand our store as an "ebay niche site" as much as possible? I would think that you would have fewer visitors sticking around but those that do would be more likely to become bidders. Have you experimented on different store in terms of how far you've taken this?

soggy on September 5, 2008 at 12:55 PM said...

I do not hide the fact i am an ebay store, i use the now on ebay logo on store pages on most sites.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering, though, if it would be worthwhile to try to push it even further, go out of your way to make it very very obvious that this is an Ebay niche store. I've seen a few sites that really push this in the text on their home page. I wonder if it makes much of a difference.

Anonymous said...

As one that was banned and got reinstated, I no longer hide the fact that it's an ebay affiliate site.

I uncloaked all links, use the logo above the auctions, and have put a comment within my home text that reads something like: "We have teamed up with ebay to bring you the best deals possible on (your niche product).

I want people to know where they're going before they click. Hopefully that will make them a bit more engaged.

I have a question though. If someone visits today for example, looks around quickly, buys nothing, but comes back in a day or two and looks around longer, but still doesn't buy and finally comes back before your cookie expires and buys something; is that considered engaged since their multiple visits add up in time spent on ebay?

F18Lumpy on September 9, 2008 at 10:24 AM said...


I'm playing around with some Keyword Sniping sites. I'm very early in the process, have researched my key words and am in the process of adding content to my sites.

I had intended to eventually incorporate a BANS element to the sites after establishing my content and some adsense targeting. I applied to be an eBay affiliate and was accepted for all programs except for the US one. Obviously, I'm disappointed and am contemplating what to do next.

At this point, I may continue with my plan and just target the BANS element at English speaking programs (UK, AU and CA) and then try to reapply to the US after building solid content and demonstrating success in these other programs.

Any thoughts or suggestions? What about forgoing eBay all together and bring in some other affiliate program rather than the foreign eBay sites?

Thanks for the great resources
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