Sunday, January 18, 2009

More Kudos For The Blogger Blog Platform

I suspect after the upcoming anniversary of this blog, at the end of this month, I will get around to converting this blog over to Wordpress. I do not really have a good reason why just yet, other than just making sure I have better control over a few things with it. The Blogger platform is excellent and has always intrigued me, but I believe I have pushed it as far as it can go, but more importantly I just do not have the time to keep pushing the platform forward. Rest assured though, if you are a newbie, you can still make money with it and get it to rank without much effort.

As of this date, if you do a Google search for Make Money Online, you will see what I believe is one of Griz's sites, ranked number one.

As you can see it is on the Blogger platform as well, and I can assure you it rakes in the money and the traffic. With a little creativity and the EPN javascript tool, you can turn it into a niche store with relative ease. So in closing, if you are new to the blogging world, get started with Blogger. It is newbie friendly and can be used to make money online.

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