Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Not Every Surfer Knows They Really Want To Buy

People use the internet for information and entertainment just as much as they do for shopping, perhaps more. That is not a news flash, but often times surfers just do not know what they want or need until they see it. Congratulations, you just passed Advertising 101. Not rocket science by any stretch of the imagination. With television, people are shown commercials during their favorite show or sporting event. Advertisers try to match ads with the demographics for the show being shown. Congratulations, you just passed Advertising 102. You likely will not see an Ensure commercial during an episode of the Real World. Common sense, right?

So where am i going with this? Just a basic refresher of making sure you match your ads to the content of a particular page. More importantly blog post or articles. You could have BANS site focused on NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt Jr., but have a blog post about what he was wearing in a commercial or an awards show. If the blog post was about what leather jacket he was wearing, it would make more sense to show ads or eBay listings about that jacket. PHPBay is fantastic for this chore by the way. If your BANS store is attached to a blog, you can always give them links in that post to the collectibles end of things. You may never make another post about that brand jacket again, but if someone was surfing for the leather jacket Earnhardt was wearing and you ranked for that in the SERPS, odds are they really like the jacket more so than Earnhardt.

Back to the main focus of this post though. They may just be curious of what he wore and not so much about buying it.... that is until they see it in their face. Get the drift? Now you do not want to create a whole BANS store page for a type jacket that you only will likely dedicate one post to, but you gave the surfer the opportunity to instantly react on impulse in a niche that you overall are not targeting and in just one click. Plus the post is likely timely and relative.

Get creative in your content page and blog post and start micro marketing within. One finally example in closing, If Earnhardt was to show up in a commercial for a new electric razor and you posted a link to the commercial or found a Youtube video of it, what do suppose your PHPBay listings in that post would be? You guessed it...that electric razor. Congratulations, you now have your internet degree in Advertising.

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