Friday, March 14, 2025

Monday, July 6, 2009

Are Link Directories Totally Dead?

I still submit to link directories. There, I said it. While it is not a link building process I spend a ton of time on, it still helps in getting a foothold in both Yahoo and Bing. Google on the other hand will give you credit, but at what extent relies totally on the quality of the directory. Do I get a ton of traffic from the directories I submit to? Absolutely not, very little if any over a course of a month. Yahoo and Bing still respect the backlinks, but for how much longer we really do not know. They can help though. When submitting to them, make sure to rotate out the anchor text you use between 3 or 4 keyword phrases, as this makes it a little more natural looking. Also the site description should be rotated as well, time permitting. I have used Submit Edge for years to do this and will slide in a few of my own submissions as well from time to time. I have several thin sites that get the majority of their traffic from both Yahoo and Bing as they are just not thick enough for Google. Link directories are what they are, just a very small part of your link building process. They may be on life support, but they are not totally dead.

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Ashley said...

I was thinking about using submit Edge like you suggested. However, what package do you buy from them when you use them? They have packages ranging in price from $15 to $500!

soggy on July 6, 2009 at 6:46 PM said...

@Ashley, I usually do the 100 or 200 submissions.


Margaret on July 9, 2009 at 5:21 AM said...

I submit sites to directories as well - but I also run three of my own: and


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