Monday, March 17, 2025

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Never Be Too Reliant On One Thing

The latest email from Adam & Kelvin has once again sent shock waves through the BANS community. If you have read my blog for a while, I noted that one should not be hinged on what Adam & Kelvin do in regards to the future of BANS. Is this a slam at A & K? No! It is smart business. BANS remains an excellent learning tool for those new to affiliate marketing and more specifically to niche store building. Until it just doesn't work anymore, it is still viable, especially with all the addons that developers like Tao has integrated in for Amazon and Commission Junction.

BANS is what it is and is what it has been for quite a while. That is not a secret. Several have asked my opinion in regards to the latest email sent today and my opinion has not changed. One should always be moving forward in regards to HOW they build niche sites and WHAT they use to build them with. Wordpress is VERY learn-able and the plugins that support it continue to be endless and innovative. Is Wordpress the end all do all? No! Wordpress however continues to evolve and supported. I use it, but I also use BANS still on several sites as well. I also use integrations of both BANS & Wordpress.

Much like income sources, you should never have all of your eggs in one basket. Whatever the situation. It just is not a good business decision. Sure I understand the frustration by previous emails painting a picture of a new platform by A & K, but I also warned about sitting back and waiting on it. If it comes to fruition, then great. If it doesn't, look at all the time you wasted.

If you are looking for a great Wordpress tutorial all in one place, you might check into the Wordpress Wizard. The videos and instruction is great and well worth the money. Also has great tutorial as well for those that do not need their info all in one place.

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Alan Petersen on January 12, 2010 at 10:43 AM said...

I stopped using BANS awhile ago and I've been using Wordpress for my niche sites so I haven't heard about the email from BANS so not sure what is going on but solid advice about not keeping all your eggs in one basket. Be it BANS, eBay, etc.


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