Monday, February 22, 2010

Understanding Keyword Research The Downfall Of Many

A reader asked me on the BANS forum, where do most new people in the niche site building process go wrong. He also sent a link to his new site that he finished as well to look at and give opinions on. The site was better than most, it had good unique content, looked pleasing to the eye and was moderately optimized. The niche was not broad and on the surface looked like it could do well without me diving deeper into it. What the site was way off base on, was it's keyword focus. Not only for the home page, but interior pages as well. I did some quick research with Micro Niche Finder and immediately found some better alternatives for the home page as well as product pages within. Quite a few with strong monthly numbers with very low competition as far as ranking will go. The site will need a handful of backlinks and a little refresher of on site SEO, but now has a chance. Many BANS users have even bought the BANS guide, but fly right past the keyword research stage. It is quite obvious looking at the sites.

Most people do not know how to properly research keywords, what to look for or even where to start. They build sites just based on a niche and go from there. They usually attack high competition, highly used keywords and while they have great content, people never see their sites. Assuming you know how to use whatever platform you are building with, be it Wordpress or BANS, the next step is to learn how to research keywords. Pick a tool to master and master it. If you are new and need videos to spell things out bit by bit, use Market Samurai. If you would rather read up on the process and implement, Micro Niche Finder may be more up your alley. Both get you to the same place. Market Samurai may have a few more bells and whistles, but you can get by just fine with MNF. I own both and most of the time use MNF, but often double check some things in MS. It depends on the mood sometimes. Just pick one and learn the process from the tutorials before you build your next site. It is like finally bringing an AK-47 to a gun fight instead of a plastic butter knife.

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Tao on February 23, 2010 at 3:59 AM said...

About time you did some video tutorials Dave, or launched you $97 eBook method!

Anonymous said...

I would be interested to learn how you do it too dave. how about a tutorial?

soggy on February 23, 2010 at 3:25 PM said...

I will put it on the list of things to do. I am not reinventing the wheel though. I start with some seed words and drill on down. There is no HUGE secret to drilling down keywords. Regardless, I will get to it shortly.



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