Monday, March 31, 2025

Thursday, September 2, 2010

WPBeginner Blog - Tutorials For Beginners To Wordpress

I came across the WPBeginner Blog today that features tutorials and post dedicated towards beginners to Wordpress. This business is constantly seeing new influx of people and i like to be able to point them in the right direction every now and again as well. Make sure to really browse around there and try the search feature they have for specific tutorials. I also remind you of my top 40 Wordpress plugin list that I recently updated and you will see several on the WPBeginner Blog as well. Also not to be lost in the shuffle is the great site. Wordpress is easy to learn and I suggest it be the niche CMS platform of choice. Every thing else compares in comparison and you will be using Wordpress sooner or later so fooling with any other platform that you might have to pay for is foolish, especially if it does not have a long track record like Wordpress especially where security is concerned. Do yourself a favor and learn to use what the pros use.

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