Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Powered By Build A Niche Store

You probably have already figured out what this post is about, but I am going to post it the rest anyway. The little link at the bottom of 90% of the Build A Niche Stores out there can cost you. First a mere search in Google for "powered by build a niche store" as of today brings up 559,000 search results. This means it is very easy to track down your store for fellow niche store builders or even competitor non BANS users. If you have a heavy hitting producing store this is inviting being copied and outranked by a more experienced webmaster. Secondly, in all of my time building BANS stores I have had much better success promoting the BANS software through my own make money blogs. Even this blog makes a handful of sales a month. If someone is coming to your niche store to buy an item associated with your niche, odds on they will not even notice the link. Thirdly this is the last anchor link on most stores and should be used to point to your own site to with solid keyword anchor text to fortify with the SERPs what your store is about. If you are still headstrong about linking to BANS, I highly suggest changing the wording or using a banner in one of the sidebar boxes. So take my advice and lets make the results in Google go down by next update time.

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Anonymous said...

Another footprint that I completely missed until I saw it in the search stats is 'My Store Sitemap'. I couldn't believe how stupid I was to miss that.

Charles Trankina on June 12, 2008 at 9:06 AM said...

Thanks for the BANS info, soggy. Duly noted. Also, I like the new look of the blog. I downloaded the same theme from Daily Blog Tips but haven't done antything with it yet. See you 'round.

lrbeetravel on June 12, 2008 at 3:09 PM said...

Soggy. Your blog used to be number 3 or 4 on my list of "BANS" blogs. However, your concise and quick to the point style have moved you up to number 1 in that group. Keep up the good work both here and on the board.

soggy on June 12, 2008 at 4:02 PM said...

Thanks for the kind words, I merely am an average guy with thirst for knowledge. I am far from being a great blogger, but learn more daily. I try to give it too people short, sweet and too the point as things are confusing enough as it is. Thanks for reading. Keep on building!


Anonymous said...

Excellent advise. That is one of the first things I do when I'm researching niches. I want to size up the competition so I Google for "keyword" "powered by BANS" and see what's out there. It's amazing how many BANS stores are out there. Most out of the box, no content.


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