If you are not yet using
The Best Spinner for article marketing, you have been hiding under a rock. The program gets better by the day. It truly is one of the best article spinners anyone has every made. Enough of that. Those of you who do own it are looking for places to submit the spun format of your articles to. The best starting place for free is the
Free Traffic System. It is a great starting point for newbies to the "spin world" of article distribution. You get to submit to 30 blogs of those listed and more than anything, learn the process of submitting a spun formatted article. When you get the process down, you might want to consider the
Spin Distribute Service. No it is not free. You purchase credits and one spun article submission cost you 4 credits. You will not get accepted to 800 sites, but it is well worth whatever approvals you do get and you will get quite a few of them for sure. The best thing is if you have spun thoroughly, the better off you will be. I like the fact that in the "About the Author with html" section, you can rotate through anchor text and links as well. An example would be below of how that format would be:
Dave is super [great|nice] guy and loves building niche [sites|stores] and moderates the [<a href="http://www.nichesitebuilding.com/forum/index.php">BANS forum</a>|<a href="http://www.nichesitebuilding.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=112">building with Wordpress forum</a>|<a href="http://www.nichesitebuilding.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=66">critique my site forum</a>] and writes for his [<a href="http://buildanichestoreblog.blogspot.com/">Build A Niche Store Blog</a>|<a href="http://buildanichestoreblog.blogspot.com/">BANS blog</a>].
Can you decipher the above? See what I mean? The directions are very well laid out and if you value your time, it is well worth the money spent. If you are tight on money, you can submit spun articles one at at time to the long list of article directories they list. The choice is yours.
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