Friday, March 28, 2025

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

There is a great report that was released today by ChannelAdvisor and it is a free White Paper based on 2010 Consumer Shopping Habits survey results. This is excellent research to get you headed down the right path for Christmas. The while paper can be downloaded right here and below is the press release that was sent out so you can fully understand what it encompasses. In a short summation, holiday shoppers for the 2010 season are looking for online retailers they can trust.

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. - (Business Wire) ChannelAdvisor, a solution provider that enables online retailers to improve efficiency and increase revenue, announced today the results of its 2010 Consumer Shopping Habits Survey. In its third consecutive year, the survey reflects the rapidly evolving changes of the e-commerce industry. Compiled into a white paper, the Consumer Shopping Habits Survey provides retailers detailed information to guide their e-commerce strategy for the 2010 holiday shopping season.

“We can estimate shopping habits or ask friends and family, but at the end of the day, estimates are just that—guesswork,” said Scot Wingo, CEO of ChannelAdvisor. “We've implemented the consumer shopping survey as a way to gather market intelligence to help our customers prioritize their e-commerce strategy based upon when, where and how consumers are shopping online.”

A few key findings include:

  • 58 percent of those surveyed plan to purchase their gifts online this year, besting brick-and-mortar stores by nearly 20 points.
  • The economy doesn't seem to be as big of a factor as some may believe for the consumers we surveyed: 41 percent said that their shopping habits were unaffected by the state of the economy, and 43 percent think the economy is bouncing back.
  • When browsing for a gift idea, 59 percent of those surveyed started on search engines, followed by marketplaces at 28 percent. Only 10 percent started directly at a retailer's webstore.
  • Consumers are not as retail-name conscious as one may expect: 67 percent said they would purchase an identical product from an unknown store if the store offered a better value.
  • When asked what promotion enticed shoppers to purchase, “best price” was most popular, followed closely by “free shipping,” and then “trusted seller status.”
  • Reviews are exceedingly important as 92 percent of consumers said they read product reviews. Of that 92 percent, 46 percent were influenced to purchase based upon the reviews, and 43 percent were deterred from purchasing. The other 3 percent said their decision was unaffected by the reviews.
  • When asked what makes a webstore trustworthy, consumers overwhelmingly listed the following three answers, in ranking order: security verification, reviews and webstore aesthetic.

“Every year we look forward to the results of ChannelAdvisor's Consumer Shopping Habits Survey,” said Neal Davidson, co-founder of SellNSend, an online retailer of camera equipment that uses ChannelAdvisor's Marketplaces, Paid Search, Comparison Shopping and Webstore solutions. “We count on the survey to help us prioritize our e-commerce strategy so we can ensure that we're aligned with consumer shopping behavior.”

ChannelAdvisor surveyed hundreds of consumers across the country for the Consumer Shopping Habits Survey to learn online shopping habits, thoughts on the economy, recognition of and comfort with new technology and much more. However, comparing the changes over the years has yielded interesting results as well. For example, when asked how much they spent online per month, consumers selecting more than $76 (the highest monetary option given) increased by 27 percent from 2009 to 2010.

The main takeaway from the survey that has stayed constant over the years: a multichannel approach is still the best way to reach consumers when and where they are shopping online. Complete survey results are available in the free white paper entitled, “Through the Eyes of the Consumer,” which can be downloaded here:

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Make Money Online

Monday, August 30, 2010

Are You Networking Enough With Twitter?

I make no secrets that I love Twitter and have done so for quite a while, it helps me stay up to date with happenings in several niches, spurs ideas and topics to write about as well as being a tremendous way to network with other webmasters. This very post was spurned by one of my sites having an article go semi viral inside it's niche today thanks to Twitter. It is so powerful. I have found webmasters willing to let me guest post on their sites, trade links and in some cases even buy some links. In addition, I have picked up several marketing techniques just by watching a few different niche leaders in action on Twitter. I follow around 55 niches daily using the free Tweetdeck software and probably have picked up about that same many of very solid backlinks over the year as well and countless other not so solid links. I also have used it to get in touch with newspaper and magazine writers and have even picked up a small handful of backlinks that way as well. In my opinion, Twitter and Facebook continue to be under used as a marketing method, even though neither is considered new in the social media world. If you are not in the process of using both in some way every day, you are being left behind in the digital age. Do not fight it any more.
Keywords Digger

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mike Johnson Autoblog Blueprint Review

I was sent an invitation a while ago to review the Auto Blog Blueprint for a limited time and finally got around last week to getting inside and really see what it is all about. First of all let me say the name should let you know what it is all about. You have heard about me talk about WP Robot before and in essence this is a road map of how to use that plugin along with several others to create money making autoblogs. You will need to own WP Robot or some other autoblogging plugin, but it is centered around WP Robot, which is the best I have tried. All of the other plugins used are mostly found in my top 40 Wordpress plugin list I did a while back. The videos and instruction are top notch in this membership site and it is just a one time payment to join. Mike Johnson also offers a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee if not satisfied.

Let me say as I have mentioned before, if you get into autoblogging, you need to make sure your host can handle it. I have a few set up on shared host, but am pushing the envelope. The others I set up on a few of my VPS servers. If you want to try it out on a shared host like Hostgator, you may get a way with it for a while to learn the system, but be prepared to get better hosting the more taxing you get on the host. Just a warning up front on this.

The modules are well laid out by Mike and there is a forum for members as well. Like anything else, you need to read and learn his system before jumping in head first. There is a ton of information inside and you will be tempted to leap before understanding it all. Lay yourself out some time, to watch and read everything first. As he says in the video, most will buy and never follow his teachings because of not having the patience to learn first or stick with it. For those of you wanting a step-by-step tutorial on how to build these properly, Auto Blog Blueprint is what you are looking for. I highly recommend it and it has been around for a while.
The 365K Blog Traffic Formula

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tracking Facebook Likes With Google Analytics

If you use some of the Facebook addons on your site that I have talked about previously and you also use Google Analytics, I have come across a tutorial on how you can track Facebook Likes with GA. This type of analytics I would suggest only on higher volume sites that you know will have traffic and know will get an occasional like. It is not a perfect fit for every site, but I am in the process of implementing it on a small handful of my heavier traffic sites that I blog on quite frequently. It is actually a pretty easy process and just one more way to track traffic and actions. Kudos to David Booth for the short and easy to understand tutorial.
MaxBlogPress Ninja Affiliate

Friday, August 27, 2010

SEO Moz On Turning Product Pages Into Great Content

What a treat this week's SEO Moz Whiteboard Friday is as Rand Fishkin goes over how to convert product pages into great money producing content. A lot of these tips I try to implement myself on my newer sites or rebuilt niche sites loaded with content. Really good stuff here.

Auto Blog Blueprint

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Interview With Collis Ta’eed

Frederick Townes and Joost de Valk of the Wordpress Podcast show recently had veteran niche blogger Collis Ta’eed on for an interview to talk about the mechanics of growing initial traffic to your blog, differentiating yourself in the niche market and monetizing your blog. Joost as most know is the owner of Ta’eed co-founded the Envato network of educational sites and marketplaces covering niches like web app’s and freelancing and much much more. You can see the large network of sites that Ta’eed runs here and he has a great ebook for sale here on How to Build a Successful Blog Business.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Matt Cutts Discusses Keywords In Path Versus Filename In URLs

Head of Google’s Webspam team, Matt Cutts, posted a new Webmaster video today in which he addressed a question regarding using relevant keywords in the path versus the filename in the page URL? He explains how one could look more spammy than another and says there is no real difference ranking wise of the two examples. In my experiences, both ways work fine and I am surprised this has never been addressed by him before today.

Best Of The Web

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Don't Be Afraid to Market To Demographics

We all have multiple interest and are not just solely focused or intrigued by one lone subject. Google Adsense has made a living out of showing ads to us based on what we have been searching for in our history. Even if I am on DVD site looking at Sienfield TV series DVDs and was looking at antique knives earlier in the day, I might be shown Adsense ads for knives on the DVD site. Raise your hand if something similar has happened to you. You are not limited to just your niche when advertising. If you do not want to use Adsense type ads, then show ads that are targeted to your niche demographic in addition to your niche specific ads. It gives your surfer an out and also one more chance to convert them if they do indeed do not find anything on site to buy or are merely kicking tires. Neverblue Ads affiliate program has a large selection of CPA advertisers products and services that you can match demographics to. Use your creativity as well. Always be thinking of what the perfect demographic of a surfer to your site is and always be looking to find ways to market to them outside of whatever specific niche you are in. Every surfer has a hot button, it is our job to try to push it however we can when they land on a page on our site. Do not be afraid to try new things with them.
The Best Spinner

Monday, August 23, 2010

Introduction to Video Sitemaps From Google

I do not think enough people grasp the power of videos and more importantly the new use of video sitemaps. I came across the Google Webmaster video on the Introduction to Video Sitemaps below and it lays it better than I ever could. There is now a new section on video sitemaps dedicated to webmasters here on Google. If you are using mostly Youtube videos on your Wordpress blog, you might find this Google XML Sitemap for Videos plugin useful from Amit Agarwal. Works great for automated sites that use WP Robot to include Youtube videos.

MaxBlogPress Ninja Affiliate

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Tags, Tags, Everywhere Tags

One of the most under done task in video, picture or other 2.0 type sites is the tags section. You have seen these before and they are to be filled out much like a Wordpress blog post would be. If there is a description area, that goes hand in hand as well. Not only will filling these tags out help searches on those particular sites find you easier, it also helps the autoblog sites find you easier as well. When filling out these tags, some will have minimum words or characters so I go from specific to broad with my tag words. I will use every space allowed. With the desrcption area, treat it like you would a description meta tag on a web page. If allowed, throw in your site URL as well. You never know where these pictures, videos, documents or widgets will show up or who will find them, so do it right the first time on upload and you are covered. Little things like this add up over time.
The Best Spinner

Saturday, August 21, 2010

New Verification With Google Analytics

On Wednesday, Google announced a new way for site verification if you use Google Analytics. You can now use a Google Analytics JavaScript snippet to verify ownership of your website. If you already have Google Analytics set up, verifying ownership is as simple as clicking a button. You will note in the post that this only works with the newer asynchronous Google Analytics javaScript code. Google also introduced an improved interface for verification as well. The new Google verification page gives you more info about each verification method. In some cases, they can now provide detailed instructions about how to complete verification with your specific domain registrar or provider. Of course if you believe in a Google conspiracy, none of this will apply to you.
Auto Blog Blueprint

Friday, August 20, 2010

Danny Dover Takes SEO Questions

Sorry for the late post as I have been helping a neighbor get a nasty virus off their system and it took me 4 hours to get him back to where he needs to be. I will point you to the SEOMoz whiteboard Friday video in which Danny Dover tries to answer some of the hard questions in SEO.

SEOmoz - SEO Software
Make Money Online

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Checking In On The Challenge

You may remember the 30 day challenge from a year or so ago. This years version is dubbed just "The Challenge" and although I have known about it for a while, I wanted them to get ahead quite a ways so I could dedicate a whole couple of days to watching everything. Their videos are top notch and newbies can really learn quite a bit as can veterans. I always pick up a few nuggets in these things. I would suggest setting aside large chunks of time for these modules though or depending on your time, you can go day to day. I like to knock these out in large sections myself and likely will revisit when they get back ahead a ways. There are tons of task to do, but I promise it is well worth the time.
The Best Spinner

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Intro To SEO Powerpoint Slide Deck By Rand Fishkin

Rand Fishkin of SEOMoz posted his updated intro to SEO slide deck for viewing. It is great for newbie and veteran alike and will take time to go through so make sure to set aside some time. I am about three quarters through it the second time around now. You can view it below or download it here. Great stuff.

WordPress Wizard

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Deliver It With

Another great way to deliver your sites RSS feed to various social network sites has emerged in the form of enables publishers, bloggers and brands a means to immediately syndicate their content or post and broaden their reach on the social platforms and into new content channels. Watch the video below to learn more on how you can deliver it with

Best Of The Web

Monday, August 16, 2010

Free PDF On How To Create Compelling Content

Copyblogger founder Brian Clark recently put out a free PDF on How to Create Compelling Content That Ranks Well in Search Engines and it is available without even having to give an email address. It is not earth shattering stuff, but a great primer for those new to niche site building or a great refresher copurse for veterans. Best of all, it is free. I have been reading his blog for years and have learned quite a bit from Brian over the years as far as creating compelling original content that not only ranks well, but draws backlinks in addition. It has also helped me convey what I am looking for to my writers I employ as well. There is no better way to draw good buying traffic than great original content. Sure, autoblogs work as do aggregated sites, but all of my sites that make use of great original content, are the ones that earn the most every month and I never worry about them under performing. The age old phrase, content is king, has never been truer.
The 365K Blog Traffic Formula

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hosting Next Door To Spammy Websites

I was catching up on some Matt Cutts webmaster videos today and came across his video reply to a question regarding hosting your site on a shared hosting account that also host a ton of spammy sites and if it penalyzes your site in any way. Cutts explains a situation where you might be concerned, but it is pretty far fetched example. For the most part, Cutts explains, you should be just fine as only he can do. Watch the video below:

Firestorm SEO

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Free Online Video Editing Tools

I came across a great post that features 5 Free Online Video Editing Tools that I wanted to point you to. Windows Movie Maker will do a bunch, but there are times that different file formats or task are needed. This post covers JayCut, Adobe Premiere Express, Kaltura, Movie Masher and Pixorial. I played with the Adobe Premiere Express and you will need to set up a Photobucket accountt first and then you can start remixing video instantly by signing into Photobucket and go to the "create remix" link at the top of the My Albums page.

Adobe Premiere Express
Movie Masher

Friday, August 13, 2010

Easier To Get Hit By A Car If You Stand In The Middle Of The Road

A reader emailed me and asked me to sum up what the new WPSyndicator Wordpress plugin does in a few words. I replied with, it is easier to get hit by a car if you stand in the middle of the road. If you blog or auto blog, this plugin does exactly that so to speak. It puts your content or blog post right out in the middle of the road. It increases your exposure and provides more door ways into your site. In addition it provides more opportunities for the syndicated content to be picked up by other bloggers or website owners. You increase your chances of getting hit by a car. If you get creative and combine this plugin with tools I have recently blogged about such as and Pixel Pipe, you can see the bigger picture of how one post can automatically get syndicated all throughout the net. Do not take social media sites and Web 2.0 properties lightly. It is the future of even search perhaps. The more embedded you can be in it the better. Sit back at draw out the big picture of how all of this comes together and you will see how easy it is to get hit by a car. The WPSyndicator Wordpress plugin is indeed now launched today and I thank all of you that have already purchased it.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pixel Pipe Distribution Tool & WPSyndicator Launches On Friday

If you have read recently, you know how much I have been pushing for pushing out content to social sites. A new free service has surfaced called Pixel Pipe and I just started playing with it early this morning. Like, it is very impressive. It is touted as being able to distribute your content to over 110 social media sites at the push of a button, and it is free, including your video to over 50 video sharing sites. Amazing. You can even send your content to pixelpipes with your GoogleTalk account if you use that. You never know where or how these submissions will be picked up and where they will land. Get acquainted with this site today.

Also I wanted to note that the WPSyndicator Wordpress plugin goes live tomorrow at 3pm GMT. I have used this plugin since it was a beta fund raiser project and it is quite impressive. I have been posting links to the sales page and several of you have emailed me that they could not purchase it yet. My apologies as I thought it was available to the public by now. If you buy this plugin, you will not be disappointed. The developer has this plugin running at full speed. Thanks to all that alerted me of my error.

Free Traffic System

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Multiple Sub Gmail Accounts

I forget who it was that asked, but I was recently asked about getting multiple email accounts with Gmail. Gmail at one time gave these away very freely and I have tons of these I set up over the years. It is not so easy to do these days as they want you to verify the account via a text message to a phone number. It is understandable why they do this as to eliminate SPAM boxes. You can't really blame them though.

What most do not know is you can set up sub accounts per say within a single gmail account. Let us say your main gmail account address is: and you want a sub account to use under it. You can add a + sign and then another name or word after it and create your self a sub account. Using the example above, it would be: and you can then click on Settings in your Gmail dashboard and click on Filters and then Create a Filter. If you enter in your new sub-account in the To: box and click Next Step you can apply a label or action of where you want email addressed to that account to go if you so desire. Play around with it. If you do not want to use any filters, that is fine too. Just open any email client and send yourself a test email using the + sign.

I do not remember what the limit is for these, I think 20, but have never needed that many. Either Thursday or Friday I will show you a neat trick I have been using for a while that you might want to see using a sub gmail account and filters. It's amazing and I could of sworn I posted about it before, but haven't. It must have been on one of the numerous forums I post on.
Pro Blogger 31 Days

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

WP Syndicator v1.4 Update Released

WPSyndicator Launches on Friday 13th August 2010

EDITORS NOTE: I did not realize that he is not releasing this plugin until August 13th to the public. I was fortunate enough to get it in the early beta testing stages and assumed it was now available to everyone through the affiliate program. Make sure to check back Friday and sorry for the confusion as I have received several emails from readers wanting to buy this, but can't yet.

The WP Syndicator version 1.4 update has now been released and tons of fixes have been made along with a few suggestions implemented. One of the biggest issues was inability to use certain Blogger blogs listed under one account. That has now been fixed and you can now choose which blog you want it posted to, now matter how many you have under one account. This is a huge fix. If you are using either the WP Robot Plugin or the Keyword To Websites Wordpress plugin as an autoblog or moderated autoblog, you might want to really consider the WPSyndicator plugin. If you are building a legitimate, 100% original content blog, you REALLY could use this to garner some traffic as well as links. Below are all of the features and fixes in the latest release.

Features - Auto blog compatibility mode - If you're using an autoblog solution that includes lots of [something=123] in the posts and need them stripped out of your syndication, just go to the config screen and check the box.

Blogger blog select - If you've got multiple blogs on your Blogger account you can now choose which one to use. Enter your Blogger username/password then go to the Blogger submenu to select.

Passwords hidden - Your passwords are no longer in plain text in the accounts screen, they are hidden in the usual password style.

Fixes - iconv library missing - A few uses are on hosting that doesn't have the iconv library. If that's you, you should no longer have a problem posting to Blogger.

Test buttons working - Some people had conflicting plugins that stopped the test buttons working. I've fixed it so they should work for all now.

No broken last word - Someone pointed out that the character limit often leaves half a word on the end of the syndication. Now it'll chop that part word off and only post full words.

Fixed anchor special characters - If you syndicated anchor text containing a character such as an apostrophe WPS was adding an extra backslash to it. That's no longer a problem.

CURLOPT_SETFOLLOW in safe mode - If your host runs everything in PHP safe mode then WPS was giving issues about not being able to set certain options. That's gone away now.
WordPress Wizard

Monday, August 9, 2010

Google Adsense & Google Gmail News

There have been a few new news items surface in relation to both Google Adsense and Google Gmail you might be interested to hear about. First with Adsense, Google has now announced a revamped design of three of their AdSense for content ad units. The 3 sizes being revamped are (728x90)(300x250) & (336x280). I can't wait to try the new 728x90 layout in the Socrates Wordpress Theme Monetization Bar as I have recently built a few new sites using that easy to customize Wordpress theme.

As far as the Gmail news, if you use multiple Gmail accounts like I do, you can take advantage of the new Multiple sign-in feature in your Google Accounts dashboard. After you sign into your first account, you can sign in with up to two additional accounts from the new accounts menu in the upper right hand corner of Gmail, then easily toggle back and forth between them. You can even open multiple Gmail tabs — one for each of your accounts. This might not sound like a huge deal, but every second counts in my work day.
Best Of The Web

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Mix In Some Stupid Natural Comment Anchor Text

We all blog comment for backlinks. It is not my specialty that I do day in and day out, but it is mindless work. The hardest part is getting them approved on some sites that require approval. Most website owners only require you have a decent comment. Too many times we aim for the perfect anchor text and it stinks of comment spam. Try to mix in your first name and a believable last name that may be related to the niche. If I were backlinking to my speaker site, I might try "Dave Bose" and link to an internal page that features or list Bose speakers. It looks a ton better than "Bose Speakers" and gives a more natural looking backlink in the process. For so long we have been taught to get that perfect anchor text, but Google knows it does not happen this way all the time, especially for newer unbranded sites. Let's face it, if I were going to link to McDonalds, I am going to use McDonalds as the anchor text, but that is a brand and Google expects it based on its authority. Building backlinks does not have to be perfect, just make sure you are attempting to build some both natural and unnatural in looks. Get good at getting comments approved on high quality, related sites first and then push the envelope as far as getting a better anchor text. these add up over time and they all do not have to have "Speaker Reviews" as the anchor text. Some sites might have a policy of auto approving comments from users that already have an approved comment in the system, so you might try commenting using the "Dave Bose" idea with no website mention and come back and comment again a few days later, this time using the same name, but now using a URL. Get the picture?
Make Money Online

Saturday, August 7, 2010

WP Htaccess Control Wordpress Plugin

A reader asked me the other day what Wordpress plugin I use for htaccess control. I emailed back that I really have not ever used a plugin for that and that I usually do it manually. The more I thought about, the more useful I thought it might be for those that do not have that much experience working with .htaccess files. I am currently testing the WP htaccess Control plugin right now and so far, so good. This plugin is for the more experienced user that understands htaccess, but is easy to learn and use. I would use it on a test site before using it wide spread as I said earlier, I am currently testing it myself. If you want to read up more on what .htaccess is and does, you can start here. If you know of a better one, shoot it on over to me.
WordPress Wizard

Friday, August 6, 2010

Don't Stop Panning Once You Find Gold

I surely was not alive then, but I am pretty sure when the California Gold Rush started and forty-niners were panning for gold, that they did not stop panning or switch locations once they found a nugget. They probably panned even faster and had the woman, children and family dog panning in close proximity. Surely where there was one gold nugget, more was close by. The same goes with niche site building.

I am blessed with a love for stats and gifted at reading them. I devote most of my Friday every week to pouring through stats. When I see a new site or an old site strike a gold nugget, I am quickly on top it. This is easily spotted by a huge uptick in sales in the niche or a new niche that is finally seeding well and developing strong organic traffic.

I try to dig fast to see what is being bought, the demographics behind the visitor and where they came from. I will then create more content or blog post on whatever site it is as well as increasing the syndication as well of the site if it is not already fully syndicated. I look at my keywords coming in to see if I can expand on them or better formulate the content to cast a broader net. In addition I try to see if anything is going on trend wise in the news or related media to have caused it.

Many times all that is needed is more content, perhaps new models have been released or new brands. The site is obviously doing something right, it just needs more of it. It is our job to continue to pan to find out what that something right is. Don't rest on your laurels, pan faster.
WordPress Wizard

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Google Query Operator Refresher

I think we get caught up with other aspects in this business that we often times overlook the simple or obvious things we should know. Such is the case with Google Query Operators. A ton of newer webmasters do not know what a powerful tool Google is outside of just regular search.

Stephan Spencer has an excellent refresher post up on Search Engine Land that covers her top Google Query Operators along with the format and a brief description of use of them. This is a great post to bookmark and use as a handy reference for future use as well. The daterange operator for instance is one I never knew existed until now. Great post.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Using The Keywords To Websites Plugin As A Place Holder

I bought the Keywords To Websites Wordpress plugin right out of the chute when it came out and have been toying with several ways to use it best. First and foremost, it can build a several page site with a push of the button. Just put in the keywords and go. Obviously these sites are spammy and thin, but it can start the time clock ticking on a new domain as you get these pages indexed in Google. Ultimately what I think I will use it for is a place holder of sorts as I either write the content myself or farm it out to one of my 5 writers I use. I like 200-250 word product reviews, features and benefits type content and can compile it slowly and not get in a hurry with it. I can upload it as I get it back from writers or as I write myself and slowly transform the site over from a thin site to a thicker site over a 90 day to 120 day time frame. I can always use the Vice Versa plugin should I need to convert the post to pages and the redirection plugin should I need to 301 any URL's as well. In the mean time, if it makes some money, fine. My main priority is just getting the clock ticking on it in the search engines as I put no pressure on my sites to earn for the first 90 days as I have posted repeatedly before. I consider this plugin a great place holder plugin that takes no time to use other than keyword research and can be used as a stepping stone to turning a site into a real surfer friendly, money making site down the road. Or you can just use it as it was intended, the choice is yours.
Free Traffic System

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

WordPress Popup Scheduler Plugin

I am starting to get more into extensive email opt in list building on some sites of mine and have been researching the various popup Wordpress plugins that I could use to show an opt in form that has the most options of when to pop it and where to pop it. I came across the WordPress Popup Scheduler plugin thanks to post by Amit Bhawani who has a full review of the popup as wll as one in use on the very page. I look forward to giving this one a go and best of all it is free. You can install this straight from your Wordpress plugin dashboard by just search for the term, WordPress Popup Scheduler. There are quite few things you can do with like popping ads, RSS feed subscriptions, Twitter feeds in addition to opt in forms. Handy plugin for sure.
Pro Blogger 31 Days

Monday, August 2, 2010

Rand Fishkin On Outsourcing Content Creation

It has been a little while since I have pointed to a Whiteboard Friday video by Rand Fishkin, but in the most recent episode, Rand goes over the methods he recommends for outsourcing content creation. Good stuff.

I outsource to many writers for content including Need An Article. I have a few writers there I like.

Whiteboard Friday - Outsourcing Content Creation
WordPress Wizard

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Two Wordpress Plugins I Was Reminded About

I had a few emails asking about the Top 40 Wordpress Plugins post the other day and folks are wondering why I let certain ones off. I posted at the end that I left some fringe ones off, but was reminded about the SEO Smart Links and GoCodes plugins. Once again, I do not use these on every site I build, but that does not mean they are not great and useful plugins. In my opinion, both of these should be used together to automatically create cloaked links for predetermined anchor text automatically. SEO Smart Links allows you to determine how many automatic links will be created per page and GoCodes will let you track how many times that link is clicked. They go great hand in hand as you see. I could probably;y of built that list to 80, but I wanted to give everyone a great starting point of what plugins I use both paid and free. By all means,keep sending me ones you think I missed or should see as I love finding new plugins to play with. I might not of seen the one you send me.
WordPress Wizard


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