Friday, March 21, 2025

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How Is Your Site Linkability?

I have mentioned in the past how sometimes the best backlinks you will ever get to your niche sites will be ones you never ask for or seek out. These are backlinks given by other webmasters that find your site or content useful and link to it freely. The one main problem most have is that their site has no linkability to it. No one will just link to multitudes of product pages linking to affiliate products. If you find someone who does, count yourself lucky.

The key to any site with linkability is the content other than just the store pages. This of course can include product articles and reviews, but it is not the only thing people link to. This content can come in the form of videos, picture galleries, charts or graphs to name just a few. Humor, top list, comparison tables also are great to acquire links to.

If you just have a few of these things as a small percentage of your site, you still might be banging your head against the wall linkability wise. Not saying that one great piece of content will not be linked to, but look at it from the perspective of the person linking to you. They want to keep the surfers trust by sending them to a site they trust will also take care of them.

Creating a site with linkability is just half the battle. If you have what you consider a linkable to page, you need to promote it. Twitter and social bookmarks are great for this, especially if you can link bait them with a catchy title.

Take your blinders off and look at your sites, do they have ANY linkability to them? Remember that it is not only the backlink you might get, but another page in the search engines as well. It is a win win proposition to increase your linkability.

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