Saturday, October 24, 2009

Did My Wife Buy Underwear From You?

As much as I know about affiliate marketing and making money online, my wife is on the opposite end of the spectrum. She likes the internet for one thing, shopping. I wonder how many commissions I have missed out on through the years by her random shopping habit. She needed help this afternoon with an Excel file, so I sat down at her computer to give her a hand. I could not help but notice a few browser windows open and peeked at what she had going on. She had just bought some underwear. I had to know where she bought it from and how she got there, so she showed me. She merely searched on Google for a long termed phrase that was product specific, clicked the 3rd link that LOOKED like the best result and landed on the exact page she hoped to land on. She clicked through to buy and ended up on a site that has an affiliate program run through Commission Junction. She of course bought.

I asked her why she bought from that site, she said it looked trust worthy and they had EXACTLY what she needed at a fair price. The lesson to be learned here is that this happens everyday. Give people what they are looking for with a trust worthy site and you will make the sale. The more specific the product pages can be, the better chance you close the sale. Don't just break your underwear site down by brand, go farther. Break the underwear down by type, color and size. Be thorough.

By the way, one of you owe me that commission on those 4 pair underwear she bought.

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