Monday, October 5, 2009

A Great Wordpress Template For Niche Sites

I am pretty picky when it comes to templates I use for niche sites. I have learned the cleaner the better. I do use the Arthemia theme that is suggested in the new N1WAY BANS Guide among several others. I recently found another that fits the bill as far as what I look for in a theme. The theme is called the Ads Theme and a demo can be found here. The colors are easy to change in the CSS and it has top navigation as well. It looks great with niche sites and products. Give it a try on your next site.

EDITED TO ADD: Gerry reminded me I forgot add the correct download link:

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Gerry said...


Nice tip...thanks...going to give it a try. Might want to add that the theme can be downloaded after free registration at

Unless I missed the link on the ADS demo.

Tao on October 6, 2009 at 3:00 AM said...

That is a really nice, clean WP template.

Good find Dave.
I have a langishing site that I can stick this on.

Gerry said...


Any suggestions on a tutorial that might exist for working with a template like this in terms of removing ads, replacing logo's etc. Must be something out there but I haven't found it. I usually go in and butcher the code, and I'm not sure that's the right thing to do.

soggy on October 7, 2009 at 6:27 AM said...

@Gerry What exactly you trying to do? Shoot me an email.

Fletch on February 1, 2010 at 1:40 AM said...


Is this what you want?


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