Monday, December 14, 2009

Use Your RSS Feed To Your Advantage

Your RSS feed is your best friend, but it is often the most under used way to promote a site. You never know who or when someone will find your site, so you have to get your post out there in as many ways as possible. First and foremost you should be using Twitter Feed to automatically post each post of yours to your appropriate Twitter account. It takes just a minute to set up and then you are done. I have posted about this in the past and I often wonder how many people do it.

In addition to Twitter, there are several other places you can submit your RSS feed to. Just do a search for "RSS directories" or "submit RSS Feed" in Google. There is also an old post I bookmarked, 55 Active RSS Directories to Help Promote Your RSS Feeds. Sift through them as well. I usually submit to 10 or so at a time over a course of a month. I never overdue anything and suggest you do the same. Remember you want to appear as natural as possible. Get creative at looking for other places that accept RSS feeds as well. You will be surprised at what you find. It just may produce a surfer or another backlink elsewhere if you take a few minutes to promote your feeds.

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